Hello all! I suppose I'll start off by introducing myself (even though the only people that are probably reading this already know me!) My name is Emily, I'm 24 years old and I am here to tell everything that is happening in my life.
Now, you say, "Why do I want to know everything that is going on in Emily's life?" Well, you probably don't. But recently it seems that so much has been changing and evolving in my life, but unfortunately I never seem to have the time to share these things with the people I'm closest to. Therefore, here is my blog.
I think I should throw in a disclaimer right about now saying that I am NOT an experienced writer, unlike my other fellow bloggers and family members in which their postings could actually be published in books. Keep in mind that I am strictly here to inform my family members and friends of my ever-changing life-happenings!
Ok, here we go. I will begin with the past couple of months, but will spare you all the history up til then since most of you are caught up through about July!!
As most of you know, I spent my ENTIRE summer preparing for the NCLEX exam, which is the licensing exam that all nurses are required to take in order to obtain the "R," or "registered," in the name "Registered Nurse." I was very confident in myself and felt that the two months of studying was really going to pay off. Well, to make a long story short, I took my exam July 12 (finally) and found out two miserable days later that I had failed. Yes, failed. Even with all the studying, practice questions (all 3,000 of them), note cards, positive self-talk and re-assurance from everyone around me telling me that there was no way that I could ever fail that exam, I still failed. I took 365 questions (the maximum amount) and walked out of the test trying to hold back my tears, only to make it on the elevator before they started flowing like wine. I knew I had failed. I went to my car and sobbed to my mom over the phone as I wondered if I could even make the drive home to McPherson from Wichita. When I got home, the tears had FINALLY stopped and I was exhausted. I have never in my life felt so emotionally and physically drained. The rest of the day was spent intermittently crying to my mom and dad as I was nuzzled up against them like a sick, pathethic puppy. I was worthless! And the worst part was that I was forced to wait two more days before I had the confirmed failing results.
Here's where the real story begins! Two days later I began my big move up to the Big Apple of Kansas, otherwise known as Kansas City. Little did I know that the minute that I started moving up to Kansas City, almost every aspect of my life was going to change. And when I say everything, I mean everything. I was now going to be living in a new city, in a new apartment, meeting completely new friends, and becoming a "real" person working 40 hours a week! (Actually it's only 36, but still.) Oh and who can forget paying my own bills, starting payments on my loan debts and financially supporting myself. Did I say paying my own bills?
Well, I think that's enough for now. Besides the fact that my ADD seems to be kicking in, my eyes are tired and I need to get lots done before my fabulous weekend begins! So keep checking back and hopefully soon I will have you all up to date. Thanks for reading!